Because drums, bass and keyboards were set it made it much easier to continue laying guitar parts. Simon began by recording the main rythm sections for each song. Johan then added key melodies and riffs. After all rythm guitars and melodies where recorded Simon focused on guitar solos for each song. And yes of course, they were not nailed at the first take, haha. There's a big difference between playing live and recording in a studio. Every single note gets anylised by our ears and we always wanted each part and sound to be the best. The guitar solos might have had the most focus to be tight and well-sounding.
One of the songs had acoustic guitar parts and were recorded with an electric guitar through an amp with a clean channel. We felt that this didn't give the right feeling and Simon re-recorded all the acoustic parts with a steel-string acoustic guitar. A great improvement nonetheless.
All the songs had a solid foundation and every instrument were recorded. Next up: Vocals. The fact that a lot of people judging bands only based vocals, makes this part probably the most important to get right. Vocals are not like a guitar or a drumkit where you could change guitar string or drum sticks if they were broken. We ran into a similar problem when Simon started recording vocals the first day. He struggled with notes he could easily do on rehearsals and it didn't sound as good as it should. We decided to take a break and when we continued the next day Simon was back on track and recorded all the remaining parts. Another thing about recording vocals is the various ways of singing a single line. Last but not least we added backing vocals with the help from Isak and Dara.
Here's a video on the recording session of guitars and vocals:
We are now looking forward to the result
Johan: It was fun and inspiring to hear your own style to the songs. It was also impressing to hear how great all the instruments complemented each other.
Simon: You really learn a lot by recording. I found out how tiny things might affect my vocal performance. It has been a great time recording all instruments and vocals.
Eternal Art